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The PointFire Blog
Tips on using SharePoint in a multilingual environment

SharePoint Tips

Blog categorized as SharePoint Tips

For on-premise SharePoint and to a lesser degree for Classic sites in SharePoint Online, there were several possibilities for language-specific styling.  The page is being displayed in Finnish?  You're going to need more space or smaller print.  Arabic? Things are different in right-t...
14.02.18 05:02 AM - Comment(s)
Do SharePoint Online modern sites support multiple languages?

Usually in SharePoint Online classic sites there are two types of multilingual support.  One is Variations, where you have different sites for different languages and users are sent to one site or the other depending on their language...
10.02.18 04:02 AM - Comment(s)
SharePoint has a machine translation service that can be used to translate certain documents and phrases.  Out of the box, it can be used by Variations to translate pages, and by the Managed Metadata Service to translate terms in the term stores.  Beyond that, it is available through the A...
23.06.17 09:06 AM - Comment(s)

In addition to the well-known language settings that were discussed in an earlier post, there is a little-known language setting with a different set of advantages and disadvantages.  We call it User Properties.  To get to it, add "_layouts/15/regionalsetng.aspx?Type=user" t...

06.06.17 11:06 AM - Comment(s)

This series of posts is based on my talk about Language & MUI in SharePoint 2016 & O365

Different components of the Office 365 suite have different ways of setting language.  Even within a single page, different parts of a page can be in different languages because they are government by...

21.04.17 04:04 PM - Comment(s)